Cedar Lumber

Collection: Cedar Lumber

The term “cedar” often refers to the Western red cedar. It is the most popular and widely used cedar lumber because of its workability. It is also less expensive than its cousin, the white cedar.


Common Trade Name: Western Red Cedar, Cedar, Giant Arborvitae, Western Arborvitae, Pacific Red Cedar

Scientific Name: Thuja plicata

Color Range: Reddish to pinkish-brown heartwood with random streaks and bands. Sapwood is a pale yellow to white, narrow, and often not easily differentiated from heartwood.

Availability: Abundant and readily available

Janka Scale Hardness: 350 lbf (1,560 N)

Average Weight Per BF: 23.0 lbs/Cu. Ft.

Common Uses: Exterior siding and lumber, boatbuilding, decking, tone wood, wood paneling, shiplap paneling, post and beams, wood blanks, custom millwork


What Is Cedar Lumber?

Cedar is a softwood widely used in many buildings and construction for its versatility, workability, and distinctive beauty. Western red cedar has a reddish tone that gives a warm and accommodating atmosphere for a natural wood look. It is often milled into many structural designs and custom moldings for architectural use.


Cedar lumber is not only limited to Western Red. There are dozens of species popular in their natural growing regions. A few of the most commonly used cedar include:


  • Eastern red cedar
  • Eastern white cedar
  • Spanish cedar
  • Alaskan yellow cedar


Where Is Cedar Sourced From?

Aromatic cedar belongs to a plant group called gymnosperm where most conifers, pines, and firs belong. These plants do not have thick-walled vessels; thus, they are all considered softwood. They are often found in temperate and boreal forests, surviving even in a very cold climate.


In particular, Thuja plicata, or Western red cedar lumber, grows abundantly in British Columbia and Pacific Northwest forests. They are also found in southern Alaska and commercially grown in Idaho and Montana. These trees are cultivated both as ornamental plants and for their timbers.


What to Look for When Buying Cedar

Many local lumber outlets sell cedar as timber or cedar board form. When buying cedar for interior projects, choose the best kiln-dried grade with no sapwood or knots. FAS-1 grade is ideal for many architectural uses.


For outdoor furniture projects and turning blanks, lower grades are fine.


If you want to purchase western red cedar lumber specifically, they are identifiable with their reddish hue with random streaks.


Pros and Cons of Cedar

Cedar has a desirable finish for home construction and home improvements. Here are a few of its qualities that make it a desirable lumber and some of its downsides.



  • Stronger than other softwoods
  • Durability
  • Attractive
  • Lingering aromatic smell
  • Affordable
  • Rot and decay-resistant



  • Dents and scratches easily
  • Needs maintenance



Which is more expensive, white cedar or red cedar?

The prices of cedar are affected by the regions they locally grow. But disregarding their natural habitat, red cedar may cost more than white cedar lumber. Red cedar is stronger and less prone to decay and insect infestations because of the presence of tannins.


Is cedar toxic?

Cedar is non-toxic but excessive exposure to its sawdust may cause respiratory irritations, although severe reactions are uncommon.


Is cedar waterproof?

When finished, cedar is a natural weather and bug-resistant lumber. They need to be maintained to keep them waterproof, especially when installed outdoors.


Where to Buy Cedar Lumber

Cedar lumber is prominent in the construction industry and is widely available. For cedar lumber and cedar boards, check online specialty lumber stores like Alderfer Lumber Company Inc.


Alderfer is a distributor of authentic and sustainably-sourced domestic and exotic woods. We sell clear grades and tight knot grade lumber in dimensional sizes for different woodworking needs. If you are looking for cedar lumber, do not hesitate to ring or email us. We have a selection of cedar and other wood species for the best and most reasonable prices.