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Collection: Mulberry Slabs

Common names: mulberry

Short Description: Mulberry trees usually grow from 30 to 79 ft tall with a trunk diameter between 1 and 1.5 ft. Mulberry is notable for its close resemblance to osage orange.

Country of Origin: Mulberry is widespread across the globe. Specifically, red mulberry is native to eastern North America.

Color: golden brown heartwood that darkens to reddish brown as it age; creamy white sapwood

Janka Scale Hardness: 1680 lbf (7470 N)

Dried Average Weight: 43 lbs/ft3 (690 kg/m3)

Common Uses: furniture, turned objects, fence posts, veneer, boat building, carving, and tight cooperage


 What Is Mulberry Wood?

The genus has around 64 identified species; white mulberry, red mulberry, and black mulberry are the most popular. People favor this wood for its durability and insect-resistant properties.


Like orange Osage, mulberry live edges will have golden brown heartwood that turns darker as it ages or is exposed more to light. The sapwood is creamy white to pale yellow. It has a straight grain and a uniform texture.


Mulberry dries easily. Due to its straight grain, mulberry wood seldom warps. However, it might experience end splits over time. This problem is preventable with end coating.


Where Does Mulberry Come From?

Mulberry trees are found all over the world. In the United States, it mostly proliferates in southeastern regions. White mulberry is native to South Asia but distributed to other continents like Europe, South and North America, and Southern Africa.


Is Mulberry a Good Option for Outdoor Furniture?

Mulberry is one of the few hardwoods with good weathering characteristics. Hence, you can safely use a mulberry live edge in making outdoor furniture. The wood is also often used in fence posts and shipbuilding since it is resistant to decay and insects.


How to Care For Live Edge Mulberry Slabs

Caring for live edge mulberry slabs is the same as any other wooden slabs. You must avoid using chemical cleaners at all costs. Instead, go for natural cleaners such as diluted vinegar. Also, use a microfiber towel when wiping since it won’t leave scratches on your beautiful slab.


How Dense Is Mulberry?

Mulberry scores reasonably well in density. It has almost the same density as red oak, making it a fairly heavy wood. The green specific gravity is 0.58. The weight of a mulberry live edge when dried is 43 lbs per cubic ft (3.6 lbs/bd ft).



Is mulberry hardwood or softwood?

Even if the wood of the mulberry is softer than oak, walnut, and mahogany, it is considered hardwood because it is one of the trees that experience falling leaves during autumn.


Is mulberry workable?

Mulberry is so workable that even amateur woodworkers delight in using it in their craft. Mulberry slabs respond reasonably well to hand and machine tools. Since it is a soft hardwood, it turns easily as well. Additionally, mulberry wood is easy to glue and finish.


Is mulberry expensive?

Mulberry wood is more expensive than other most common and easily sourced hardwood. Due to its scarce availability and small size, getting your hands on mulberry wood might be challenging unless you’re willing to pay a premium.


Where to Buy Mulberry

A mulberry live edge is usually rare because it is only sometimes used for lumber and slabs. Due to its rareness, you won’t be able to find it in regular stores or local sawmills. Your best option to purchase mulberry is to check with specialty stores such as Alderfer Lumber Company Inc.


At Alderfer, all kinds of wood slabs are available at a reasonable price. Our specialty and exotic wood slabs are sustainably sourced, transported, and handled with care. We guarantee meticulous processing and drying of each piece.


To check for our current available mulberry slabs or any wood slabs, for that matter, give us a call or email us.